EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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858 lines
* log.c
* userlog code for Citadel bulletin board system.
* history
* 85Nov15 HAW MS-DOS library implemented.
* 85Aug31 HAW Fix <.ep> problem.
* 85Aug17 HAW Update to onLine().
* 85Aug10 HAW Fix so system doesn't go out to disk on short pwds.
* 85Jul26 HAW Kill noteLog(), insert anti-hack code in newPW().
* 85Jun13 HAW Tweak code for networking stuff.
* 85Mar13 HAW Moved zapLogFile() and logInit and logSort into confg.c.
* 85Jan19 HAW Fix terminate() so room prompt isn't tossed at modem.
* 85Jan19 HAW New Users are now directed to type ".help POLICY".
* 85Jan19 HAW Move findPerson() into file.
* 84Dec15 HAW Fix bug that allowed discovery of private rooms.
* 84Aug30 HAW Now we roll into the 16-bit world.
* 84Jun23 HAW&JLS Eliminating unused local variables using CRF.
* 84Jun19 JLS Fixed terminate so that Mail> doesn't screw up SYSOP.
* 84Apr04 HAW Started upgrade to BDS C 1.50a.
* 83Feb27 CrT Fixed login-in-Mail> bug.
* 83Feb26 CrT Limited # new messages for new users.
* 83Feb18 CrT Null pw problem fixed.
* 82Dec06 CrT 2.00 release.
* 82Nov03 CrT Began local history file & general V1.2 cleanup
#include "ctdl.h"
* contents
* doInviteDisplay() displays invited users
* GetUser() gets a user record from user
* login() is menu-level routine to log caller in
* newPW() is menu-level routine to change a PW
* newUser() menu-level routine to log a new caller
* PWSlot() returns CTDLLOG.buf slot password is in
* slideLTab() support routine for sorting logTab
* storeLog() store data in log
* strCmpU() strcmp(), but ignoring case distinctions
* terminate() menu-level routine to exit system
int thisSlot; /* logTab slot logBuf found via */
char loggedIn = FALSE; /* Global have-caller flag */
char prevChar; /* for EOLN/EOParagraph stuff */
static char pwChangeCount; /* Anti-hack variable */
int logTries;
extern logBuffer logBuf; /* Log buffer of a person */
extern logBuffer logTmp; /* Log buffer of a person */
extern LogTable *logTab; /* RAM index of pippuls */
LogTable *delogTab = NULL; /* RAM index of pippuls */
extern CONFIG cfg; /* Configuration variables */
extern rTable *roomTab; /* RAM index of rooms */
extern aRoom roomBuf; /* Room buffer */
extern MessageBuffer tempMess, msgBuf;
extern char heldMess;
extern FILE *logfl; /* log file descriptor */
extern int thisLog; /* entry currently in logBuf */
extern char outFlag; /* Output skip flag */
extern char whichIO; /* Where IO's going... */
extern char haveCarrier; /* Do we still got carrier? */
extern char echo; /* Who gets what */
extern char onConsole; /* Where we get stuff from */
extern int thisRoom; /* The room we're in */
extern int exitValue;
extern char DiskHeld;
static int Bad_String(char *string, char *filename);
* doInviteDisplay()
* This function shows invited users.
char doInviteDisplay()
int rover = 0, s;
label who;
if (getNormStr("", who, NAMESIZE, BS_VALID) == BACKED_OUT)
return BACKED_OUT;
if (strLen(who) == 0)
mPrintf("%s, ", logBuf.lbname);
outFlag = OUTOK;
for (; outFlag == OUTOK && rover < cfg.MAXLOGTAB; rover++)
if (rover != thisLog)
getLog(&logTmp, rover);
if (logTmp.lbflags.L_INUSE &&
(s = knowRoom(&logTmp, thisRoom)) == KNOW_ROOM ||
mPrintf("%s", logTmp.lbname);
if (s == WRITE_PRIVS && roomBuf.rbflags.READ_ONLY)
mPrintf(" (w-p)");
mPrintf(", ");
if (findPerson(who, &logTmp) == ERROR)
mPrintf("Who?\n ");
else if ((s = knowRoom(&logTmp, thisRoom)) == KNOW_ROOM ||
mPrintf("Affirmative!\n ");
mPrintf("Negative!\n ");
* GetUser()
* This is a general function for requesting user name, getting user record,
* and doing error checking. Returns ERROR on failure.
int GetUser(label who, logBuffer *lBuf, char Menu)
int logNo;
if (Menu && onConsole)
SysopRequestString(NO_MENU, "WHOUSR", who, NAMESIZE, 0);
else getNormStr("WHOUSR", who, NAMESIZE, 0);
if (strLen(who) == 0 ) return ERROR;
if (strCmpU(who, "Citadel") == SAMESTRING ) return (int)cfg.MAXLOGTAB;
if (strCmpU(who, "Sysop") == SAMESTRING) strCpy(who, cfg.SysopName);
logNo = findPerson(who, lBuf);
if (logNo == ERROR)
if (Menu && onConsole)
SysopError(NO_MENU, "No such person...\n ");
else mPrintf("No such person...\n ");
return logNo;
* DoAllQuestion()
* This will ask if someone wants to apply an operation to all users.
int DoAllQuestion(char *posprompt, char *negprompt)
if (SysopGetYesNo(NO_MENU, NULL, posprompt)) return TRUE;
if (SysopGetYesNo(NO_MENU, NULL, negprompt)) return FALSE;
return ERROR;
* login()
* This is the menu-level routine to log someone in.
void login(char *password)
int foundIt;
int Adoor;
extern char *READ_ANY, *LCHeld, shownHidden;
extern long *DL_Total;
extern SListBase DL_List;
TwoNumbers *tmp;
foundIt = ((PWSlot(password, /*load = */TRUE)) != ERROR);
pwChangeCount = 1;
if (foundIt && *password)
/* update userlog entries: */
heldMess = FALSE;
loggedIn = TRUE;
/* recite caller's name, etc: */
Output_Citadel_Message("WELCOM",NULL, NULL, NULL);
Update_Caller_Count(); /* update the stats */
Output_Citadel_Message("CCPRIV",NULL, NULL, NULL);
Adoor = CheckAutoDoor("Citadel");
(void)RunAutoDoor(Adoor, FALSE);
(void)RunAutoDoor(CheckAutoDoor(logBuf.lbname), FALSE);
if (!MultiBanner("Notice")) HelpIfPresent("Notice.BLB");
logMessage(L_IN, logBuf.lbname, FALSE);
showMessages(NEWoNLY, FALSE,
logBuf.lbvisit[logBuf.lbgen[thisRoom] & CALLMASK],
listRooms(expert ? INT_EXPERT : INT_NOVICE);
if (shownHidden )
* This code sets up to handle download time limits. Users who
* download are kept in a list -- user# + time spent in downloading.
* The list is cleared whenever the system is brought down/up, or
* a d-l time limit #event expires or initiates. Here, we check to
* see if this user has downloaded during the current period. If so,
* we simply point at the record so we know how much time has already
* been spent downloading. If not found, we initialize a new record.
if ((DL_Total = SearchList(&DL_List, (tmp = MakeTwo(thisLog, 0l))))
== NULL)
DL_Total = &tmp->second;
AddData(&DL_List, tmp, NULL, TRUE);
else free(tmp);
outFlag = OUTOK;
if (
logBuf.lbMail[MAILSLOTS-1].rbmsgNo >
(logBuf.lbvisit[ logBuf.lbgen[MAILROOM] & CALLMASK ])
(logBuf.lbMail[MAILSLOTS-1].rbmsgNo & S_MSG_MASK) > cfg.oldest
thisRoom != MAILROOM
Output_Citadel_Message("YRMAIL",NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (GetIntMessage())
outFlag = OUTOK;
DiskHeld = TRUE;
Output_Citadel_Message("HAVHLD",NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* discourage password-guessing: */
if (cfg.LoginAttempts > 0 && logTries++ >= cfg.LoginAttempts)
if (whichIO == MODEM)
Output_Citadel_Message("HACKLG", NULL, NULL, NULL);
return ; /* skip the pause() farther on */
if (strLen(password) > 1 && whichIO == MODEM)
if ((logTries-1) > 2 ) pause(2000);
if (!cfg.BoolFlags.unlogLoginOk && whichIO == MODEM)
if (!HelpIfPresent("UnLog.BLB"))
Output_Citadel_Message("NOACCT",NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (getYesNo("NORCRE"))
SpecialMessage("Status:Creating New Account");
Update_Caller_Count(); /* update the stats */
* GetIntMessage()
* This will get an interrupted message from the Held dir.
char GetIntMessage()
extern FILE *upfd;
SYS_FILE funFile;
label temp;
/* if the user used Pause-E, we don't want to flush the buffer */
if (!heldMess)
if (cfg.BoolFlags.HoldOnLost)
sPrintf(temp, LCHeld, thisLog);
makeSysName(funFile, temp, &cfg.holdArea);
if ((upfd = safeopen(funFile, READ_ANY)) != NULL)
fread(&tempMess, STATIC_MSG_SIZE, 1, upfd);
crypte(&tempMess, STATIC_MSG_SIZE, thisLog);
fread(tempMess.mbtext, MAXTEXT, 1, upfd);
crypte(tempMess.mbtext, MAXTEXT, thisLog);
MakeList(&tempMess.mbCC, "", upfd);
heldMess = TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* newPW()
* This is menu-level routine to change one's password. Since some Citadel
* nodes run in public locations, we avoid displaying passwords on the console.
void newPW()
char oldPw[NAMESIZE];
char pw[NAMESIZE];
int goodPW;
extern char *confirm;
if (!loggedIn)
mPrintf("\n How?\n ");
return ;
/* save password so we can find current user again: */
strcpy(oldPw, logBuf.lbpw);
echo = CALLER;
getNormStr("UPASSW", pw, NAMESIZE, NO_ECHO);
echo = BOTH;
if (strLen(pw) == 0 || strCmpU(pw, oldPw) == SAMESTRING)
PWSlot(oldPw, /*load = */TRUE);
return ;
/* check that PW isn't already claimed: */
goodPW = (PWSlot(pw,/* load = */TRUE) == ERROR && strLen(pw) >= 5);
if( goodPW && strcmp(logBuf.lbpw,pw)==0)goodPW = FALSE;
if( goodPW && Bad_String(pw, "badpasswords.sys") )goodPW = FALSE;
if (pwChangeCount == 0 && !onConsole && onLine())
Output_Citadel_Message("HANGON",NULL, NULL, NULL);
pause(3000); /* Discourage hacking */
else pwChangeCount--;
if (!goodPW)
Output_Citadel_Message("POORCH",NULL, NULL, NULL);
while (!goodPW && (haveCarrier || whichIO==CONSOLE));
PWSlot(oldPw, /*load = */TRUE); /* reload old log entry */
pw[NAMESIZE-1] = 0x00; /* insure against loss of carrier:*/
if (goodPW && strLen(pw) > 1)
/* accept new PW: */
mPrintf("\n %s\n Password: ", logBuf.lbname);
echo = CALLER;
mPrintf("%s\n ", pw);
echo = BOTH;
if (getYesNo("CONFRM"))
strcpy(logBuf.lbpw, pw);
logTab[0].ltpwhash = hash(pw);
* newUser()
* This is the add new user function.
void newUser(logBuffer *lBuf)
logBuffer l2;
char *temp;
char fullnm[NAMESIZE], tmp[30];
SYS_FILE checkHeld;
char pw[NAMESIZE], NewLogin;
int g, h, i, ourSlot, AttemptCount = 0;
int good; /* does double duty, keep it as int */
TwoNumbers *ttemp;
extern char *LCHeld/* , IsAutoMail*/;
if (!NewUserDoor())
NewLogin = (lBuf == &logBuf) ;
if (NewLogin)
zero_struct(lBuf->lbflags); /* zero all flags */
lBuf->lbflags.LFMASK = TRUE; /* except we need linefeeds */
if (!configure(lBuf, !NewLogin, TRUE)) /* configure correctly */
/* get name and check for uniqueness... */
if (AttemptCount++ > cfg.LoginAttempts)
Output_Citadel_Message("MINDPW", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (AttemptCount > cfg.LoginAttempts + 2 && NewLogin)
if (whichIO == MODEM) HangUp(TRUE);
getNormStr("USRNAM", fullnm, NAMESIZE, 0);
if ((temp = strchr(fullnm, '@')) != NULL)*temp='\0'; /* fix for bad user names */
good = TRUE;
if( findPerson(fullnm, &l2) != ERROR) good = FALSE;
if( Bad_String(fullnm, "badnames.sys" ) ) good = FALSE;
h = hash(fullnm);
if ( h == 0 /* "HUH?" --HAW 84Aug31 */ )
good = FALSE;
/* lie sometimes -- hash collision !=> name collision */
if (!good)
if (strLen(fullnm) == 0)
if (getYesNo("ABORTA"))
return ;
else Output_Citadel_Message("NOTNEW", (long)fullnm, NULL, NULL);
while (!good && (haveCarrier || whichIO==CONSOLE));
/* get password and check for uniqueness... */
echo = CALLER;
getNormStr("UPASSW", pw, NAMESIZE, 0);
good = TRUE;
echo = BOTH ;
if( strlen(pw) < 5)
good = FALSE;
if( good && strCmpU(fullnm,pw) == 0 ) good = FALSE;
if( good && Bad_String(pw, "badpasswords.sys" ) ) good = FALSE;
h = hash(pw);
for (i = 0; i < cfg.MAXLOGTAB && good; i++)
if (h == logTab[i].ltpwhash) good = FALSE;
if (h == 0) good = FALSE;
if (!good)
if (strLen(pw) == 0)
if (getYesNo("ABORTA"))
return ;
else Output_Citadel_Message("POORCH", NULL, NULL, NULL);
while( !good && (haveCarrier || whichIO==CONSOLE));
mPrintf("\n Username: %s", fullnm);
mPrintf("\n Password: ");
echo = CALLER;
mPrintf("%s\n ", pw);
echo = BOTH;
while (!getYesNo("OKPROM") && (haveCarrier || whichIO==CONSOLE));
if ((haveCarrier || whichIO == CONSOLE))
if (NewLogin)
logMessage(L_IN, fullnm, '+');
/* kick least recent temporary acct out of userlog and claim entry: */
for (good = cfg.MAXLOGTAB-1; good >= 0; good--)
if (!logTab[good].ltpermanent) break;
if (good < 0) good = cfg.MAXLOGTAB - 1; /* too bad */
ourSlot = logTab[good].ltlogSlot;
slideLTab((NewLogin) ? 0 : 1, good);
logTab[NewLogin ? 0 : 1].ltlogSlot = ourSlot;
if (NewLogin)
thisLog = ourSlot;
/* copy info into record: */
strcpy(lBuf->lbname, fullnm);
strcpy(lBuf->lbpw, pw);
lBuf->lbflags.L_INUSE = TRUE;
lBuf->lbflags.NET_PRIVS = cfg.BoolFlags.NetDft;
lBuf->lbflags.DOOR_PRIVS = cfg.BoolFlags.DoorDft;
lBuf->lbflags.DL_PRIVS = cfg.BoolFlags.DL_Default;
lBuf->credit = 0; /* No L-D credit */
low = cfg.newest-50;
if (cfg.oldest - low < 0x8000) low = cfg.oldest;
for (i=1; i<MAXVISIT; i++) lBuf->lbvisit[i]= low;
lBuf->lbvisit[0] = cfg.newest;
lBuf->lbvisit[(MAXVISIT-1)] = cfg.oldest;
/* initialize rest of record: */
for (i = 0; i < MAXROOMS; i++)
if (roomTab[i].rtflags.PUBLIC == 1)
g = (roomTab[i].rtgen);
lBuf->lbgen[i] = (g << GENSHIFT) + (MAXVISIT-1);
/* set to one less */
g = (roomTab[i].rtgen + (MAXGEN-1)) % MAXGEN;
lBuf->lbgen[i] = (g << GENSHIFT) + (MAXVISIT-1);
memset(lBuf->lbMail, 0, MAIL_BULK);
/* fill in logTab entries */
i = (NewLogin) ? 0 : 1;
logTab[i].ltpwhash = hash(pw) ;
logTab[i].ltnmhash = hash(fullnm) ;
logTab[i].ltlogSlot = ourSlot ;
logTab[i].ltnewest = lBuf->lbvisit[0];
logTab[i].ltpermanent = FALSE; /* new accts not perm */
/* special kludge for Mail> room, to signal no new mail: */
if (NewLogin)
loggedIn = TRUE;
roomTab[MAILROOM].rtlastMessage =
/* automatic mail for the new user. */
makeSysName(checkHeld, (lBuf->lbflags.EXPERT) ? "ExpMail.BLB" :
"NovMail.BLB", &cfg.homeArea);
if (access(checkHeld, 0) == 0)
i = thisRoom;
ingestFile(checkHeld, &msgBuf);
strCpy(msgBuf.mbauth, (strLen(cfg.SysopName)) ?
cfg.SysopName : "Citadel");
strCpy(msgBuf.mbto, lBuf->lbname);
/* IsAutoMail = FALSE; */
if (NewLogin)
if (expert)
if (getYesNo("WRTBIO"))
* Create a new download record. See login() for more details.
AddData(&DL_List, ttemp = MakeTwo(thisLog, 0l), NULL, TRUE);
DL_Total = &ttemp->second;
if (cfg.BoolFlags.HoldOnLost)
sPrintf(tmp, LCHeld, ourSlot);
makeSysName(checkHeld, tmp, &cfg.holdArea);
if (NewLogin)
if (!MultiBanner("Notice"))
listRooms(expert ? INT_EXPERT : INT_NOVICE);
Output_Citadel_Message("RDHELP",NULL, NULL, NULL);
logTab[1].ltnewest = cfg.newest;
lBuf->lbvisit[0] = cfg.newest;
lBuf->lbflags.DOOR_PRIVS = getYesNo("DRPRIV");
lBuf->lbflags.DL_PRIVS = getYesNo("DLPRIV");
lBuf->lbflags.AIDE = getYesNo("ADPRIV");
if (cfg.BoolFlags.netParticipant)
lBuf->lbflags.NET_PRIVS = getYesNo("NTPRIV");
if( lBuf->lbflags.NET_PRIVS)
lBuf->credit = SysopGetNumber(NULL, "HWMYCR", 0l, 1000l);
putLog(lBuf, ourSlot);
* PWSlot()
* This returns ctdllog.sys slot password is in, else ERROR.
* NB: we also leave the record for the user in logBuf.
int PWSlot(char pw[NAMESIZE], char load)
int h, i;
int foundIt, ourSlot;
if (strLen(pw) < 2) /* Don't search for these pwds */
return ERROR;
h = hash(pw);
/* Check all passwords in memory: */
for(i = 0, foundIt = FALSE; !foundIt && i < cfg.MAXLOGTAB; i++)
/* check for password match here */
/* If password matches, check full password */
/* with current newUser code, password hash collisions should */
/* not be possible... but this is upward compatable & cheap */
if (logTab[i].ltpwhash == h)
ourSlot = logTab[i].ltlogSlot;
getLog(&logTmp, ourSlot);
if (strCmpU(pw, logTmp.lbpw) == SAMESTRING)
/* found a complete match */
thisSlot = i ;
foundIt = TRUE;
if (foundIt)
if (load == TRUE)
copyLogBuf(&logTmp, &logBuf);
thisLog = ourSlot;
return thisSlot;
return ERROR ;
* slideLTab()
* This slides bottom N lots in logTab down. For sorting.
void slideLTab(int slot, int last)
int i;
/* open slot up: (movmem isn't guaranteed on overlaps) */
for (i = last - 1; i >= slot; i--)
memcpy(&logTab[i + 1], logTab + i,(long)cfg.sizeLTentry);
* storeLog()
* This function stores the current log record.
void storeLog()
logTab[0].ltnewest = cfg.newest;
logBuf.lbvisit[0] = cfg.newest;
putLog(&logBuf, thisLog);
* strCmpU()
* This is strcmp(), but ignoring case distinctions. Really, it's stricmp().
#define MXBF 60
int strCmpU(char s[], char t[])
int i,j;
if ( (j=strlen(s)) > 50 || (i=strlen(t)) > 50 )
int k;
char buff[MXBF+1];
if( j > MXBF)
splitF(NULL,"*** Warning: String 1 longer than %d characters, truncated.\n",MXBF);
j = MXBF;
for(k=0;k<j;k++) buff[k] = ( s[k] < ' ' || s[k] > '~') ? '.' : s[k];
buff[k] = '\0';
splitF(NULL, " s:%s\n",s);
if( i > MXBF)
splitF(NULL,"*** Warning: String 2 longer than %d characters, truncated.\n",MXBF);
j = MXBF;
for(k=0;k<j;k++) buff[k] = ( t[k] < ' ' || t[k] > '~') ? '.' : t[k];
buff[k] = '\0';
splitF(NULL, " t:%s\n",buff);
i = 0;
while (toUpper(s[i]) == toUpper(t[i]))
if (s[i] == '\0' || t[i] == '\0') return 0;
return toUpper(s[i]) - toUpper(t[i]);
* terminate()
* This is the menu-level routine for a user to exit system.
void terminate(int discon, int save)
extern char heldMess, *READ_TEXT;
extern MessageBuffer tempMess;
extern int exitValue;
extern char ExitToMsdos, hst;
int i;
char StillThere;
DiskHeld = FALSE;
StillThere = onLine();
/* this stops the .TS cheat of password hacking */
if (!loggedIn) discon = TRUE;
if (loggedIn && exitValue != DOOR_EXIT)
Output_Citadel_Message("GOODBY",NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (StillThere && exitValue != DOOR_EXIT)
if (!MultiBanner("LoNotice"))
if (discon && exitValue != DOOR_EXIT)
switch (whichIO)
case MODEM:
if (onLine() && !cfg.BoolFlags.IsDoor)
modIn(); /* And now detect carrier loss */
while (MIReady()) inp(); /* clear buffer */
whichIO = MODEM;
if (!ExitToMsdos)
printf("\n System returned to MODEM MODE...\n ");
startTimer(NEXT_ANYNET); /* start up anytime net timer */
/* if we're functioning as a door ... */
if (cfg.BoolFlags.IsDoor)
ExitToMsdos = TRUE;
exitValue = SYSOP_EXIT; /* Seems appropriate */
if (loggedIn)
ReadDate(formDate(), &logBuf.lblaston);
if (StillThere)
SetKnown(-1, 0, thisRoom, &logBuf);
if (save) storeLog();
logBuf.lbname[0] = 0; /* For screen display */
if (heldMess)
if (exitValue != DOOR_EXIT)
logMessage(L_OUT, "", (discon) ? 0 : '-');
loggedIn = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < MAXROOMS; i++) /* Clear skip bits */
roomTab[i].rtflags.SKIP = 0;
/*if (discon) CacheMessages(ALL_NETS, TRUE);*/
outFlag = OUTOK;
if (exitValue != DOOR_EXIT)
logBuf.lbflags.ANSI = 0;
* Bad_String()
* This function will check to see if the requested file is available
* If it is not, it just returns FALSE and assumes the SYSOP does not
* have it or want it checked.
* This function searches the stringfile to discover if the requested
* string is acceptable or not.
static int Bad_String(char *fullnm, char *stringfile)
SYS_FILE name;
char line[25], toReturn = FALSE;
FILE *fd;
makeSysName(name, stringfile, &cfg.roomArea);
if ((fd = fopen(name, READ_TEXT)) != NULL)
while (GetAString(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL && !toReturn)
if (strCmpU(fullnm, line) == 0) toReturn = TRUE;
return toReturn;